Urban Road Marking Solution
Generally, the traffic flow on urban road is very large, road lines need to be re-coated frequently in every year, and the speed of road marking, construction time, traffic control time have strict requirements in the construction process. Therefore, the detailed construction plan usually needs to be planed after the investigation of the actual situation of the road. Herein, we can provide a basic survey plan to help you understand the factors that need to be considered when conducting urban road marking operations, thus helping you to determine the most reasonable solution.
1.Traffic flow difference between day and night, it generally determines the phase of working time of your team.
2.The condition of the road surface, such as quantity and distance of traffic lane, whether do old lines need to be removed? The length and spacing of dotted line. So that you can measure the amount of work.
3.The type of pavement material, asphalt pavement or concrete pavement, this usually determines which road marking paint and auxiliary material should be used.
4.Select the most suitable construction machine according to the construction amount and the type of road marking paint.
Following combinations that we provided according to our experience of many years is the most commonly used machines in our clients:
1.Thermoplastic road marking
Required equipment, they are necessary in construction of thermoplastic road marking :
Hydraulic Double-cylinder pre-heater,
Self-propelled thermoplastic road marking machine or Hand-push thermoplastic road marking machine
Other auxiliary equipment, mainly used for improving working efficiency:
Pre-marking machine, Road cleaning machine, Road marking remover
2.Cold-solvent road marking or water-based road marking
Required equipment, choose the most suitable one from following machines:
Truck-mounted Cold Paint Airless Road Marking machine, Hand-push Cold Paint Airless Road Marking Machine
Other auxiliary equipment, mainly used for improving working efficiency:
Pre-marking machine, Road cleaning machine, Road marking remover
3.Cold-plastic (two-component) road marking
Required equipment, choose the most suitable one from following machines according to your actual need.
For two-component 1:1 external mixing application: Truck-mounted Cold Paint Airless Road Marking machine or Hand-push Cold Paint Airless Road Marking Machine with double spraying system.
For two-component structure or screed application: Self-propelled Two-component Multi-function road marking machine.
Other auxiliary equipment, mainly used for improving working efficiency:
Pre-marking machine, Road cleaning machine, Road marking remover